Remove PDF Metadata on Your PDF Documents

remove pdf metadataOur PDF documents can be like chatty companions, revealing more than they intend. Tucked away within them is metadata, digital information containing details like the author, creation date, and even the software used. While often harmless, this metadata can be overshared, accidentally exposing sensitive information. For instance, sharing a confidential report – the author’s name might be crucial to protect. In these cases, remove PDF metadata becomes essential. PDF metadata removal is a critical security action to protect sensitive information, prevent accidental disclosure of confidential data, and ensure higher control over access to crucial details. This article equips you with the knowledge and tools to transform your PDFs from obvious to discreet information. Learn how to remove metadata and ensure you share what you intend. Keep reading to unlock the secrets hidden within your PDFs and discover methods that safeguard your privacy.

Understanding What is Metadata Information

Have you ever shared a PDF and wondered what information might sneak beneath the surface in your PDF's metadata? This unseen data, document metadata, can reveal more than you bargained for. Think of it as a digital fingerprint containing details about your PDF’s creation and history. Let’s delve deeper and explore five key pieces of information that metadata can hold:

  1. Author: This identifies the person or application that created the PDF.
  2. Creation Date: It reveals the date and time the PDF was first generated.
  3. Modified Date: This tracks any subsequent edits or changes made to the document.
  4. Keywords: Embedded keywords can offer clues about the content or subject matter.
  5. Software: The software used to create the PDF might be revealed in the metadata.

Remove PDF Metadata with Properties Window

We’ve peeled the layers and uncovered the mysteries behind your PDF’s metadata. It’s time to empower you to do this just with your desktop. In this section, you’ll learn how to remove embedded information from your PDFs using the document properties window. The document properties window will be your PDF metadata remover. It’s a feature you’ll find in the most popular PDF readers. You can use the document properties window to manage your document’s hidden details. A metadata stream, structured using XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform), is an ISO standard for embedding metadata into files, and understanding this can help in the removal process.

  • Locate your PDF file on your desktop and select it. Right-click and navigate to “Properties” in the drop-down menu. It opens a window revealing the current metadata about your PDF.
  • Look for the section “Details” within the Properties Window to see all the metadata. These sections showcase the embedded metadata, including author, creation date, and keywords.
  • Click on “Remove Properties and Personal Information.” Erase the existing text or choose the “Delete” key to eliminate it. Repeat this process for any additional metadata fields you wish to remove.

remove metadata in properties

PDF Metadata Editor in Windows

Tool 1. Edit PDF Metadata with Adobe Acrobat Pro

The Properties Window is a good starting point for removing metadata, but if you’re looking for a more advanced solution, you’ve come to the right place. Adobe Acrobat Pro is more than just a basic editing program. It’s a powerful PDF reader designed to manage and remove metadata for you. Edit specific metadata fields with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring only the desired information remains embedded. Within its powerful interface, you will find various features that will give you full control over the hidden information in your PDF. This allows you to remove specific properties or even entire categories of metadata. The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) plays a crucial role in structuring and embedding metadata. PDF documents, standardizing the creation, processing, and interchange of document metadata across publishing workflows. This section will reveal the secrets behind this software that will give you complete privacy and information protection.

Step 1 Access the Document Properties

Open your original document in Acrobat Pro. Navigate to the "File" menu in the upper right corner and select "Properties" (or "Document Properties"). This opens a comprehensive window showcasing various document details and all the tags.

Step 2 Advanced Metadata Editing

Locate the "Description" and "Additional Metadata" sections to view document metadata. Click on a field to edit metadata as needed or simply clear PDF metadata. For even more granular control, explore the "Advanced" tab within "Additional Metadata." This tab allows you to remove specific properties or even entire metadata categories.

Step 3 Save The File

After removing the metadata, don’t forget to save your PDF file. Use the "Ctrl + S" keyboard shortcut, or click on the "File" tab on the menu bar and press "Save" to save this PDF file. You can change the file name and see the file size of the newly saved PDF.
save the file

Tool 2. Remove PDF Files Metadata with PDFelement

While Adobe Acrobat Pro is a PDF software in PDF editing, other great alternatives exist. PDFelement stands out as a great choice for both novice and seasoned users. Like Acrobat Pro, PDFelement has a powerful suite of features for PDF metadata cleanup. This easy-to-use software gives you the tools to carefully clean your PDFs of embedded information. PDFelement also lets you pinpoint the exact metadata fields you wish to eliminate, ensuring you maintain complete control over the information in your PDF file. You can edit the title, subject, keywords, or even thed author. In this section, we’ll look at how to remove PDF metadata using PDFelement, which turns you into an authority on privacy and information security.

  • Open the PDF in PDFelement on your device. Right-click and navigate to "Properties" to view PDF properties. It opens a window where you can view metadata and edit the fields.
  • Locate the "Description" and "Custom" tabs within the Properties window. These sections showcase the embedded metadata. Click directly on a specific metadata field you wish to remove and simply erase the text or hit the "Delete" key. For more granular control, explore the "Custom" tab. It allows you to identify and remove specific properties not displayed in the "Description" section.
  • PDFelement's batch-processing functionality streamlines the process. Go to "Tools" and select "Batch Process." Choose "Modify" from the options and then "Document Properties." Here, you can select the metadata fields for removal and add multiple PDFs for processing. Click "Start" to initiate the batch removal.

remove metadata with pdfelement

Delete PDF metadata with Online Services

Tool 1. Easily Remove Metadata with Sejda

Sejda is an easy-to-use online tool that streamlines your PDF experience. Unlike traditional desktop software such as Adobe Acrobat Pro or PDFelement, Sejda does not require software downloads or installations. Instead, it is a web tool that can be accessed from different devices with an internet connection. Despite being an online tool, Sejda still has a strong suite of features. For example, it has a dedicated tool that can be used to remove metadata from PDFs. Afer you upload your PDF it will show textboxes such as title, author, date, creator, and keywords that you can clear or change. Think of Sejda as the express lane for your PDF privacy. This convenient online tool eliminates the hassle of software installation and lets you easily clean your PDFs of embedded information. We will show you the features inside of Sejda that turn you into an online privacy and information security champion.

  • Head to the Sejda page in your web browser. Click the "Upload" button and choose what you want to remove metadata in a PDF. Alternatively, dragging and dropping your files onto the webpage will be convenient.
  • Once your PDFs are uploaded, you'll see a preview of the metadata. Look for the options below the preview and locate the checkbox labeled "Remove metadata." You can remove or change the author or even add keywords.
  • Click the blue "Apply changes" button at the bottom of the page. Sejda will work its magic, removing any embedded metadata from your PDFs. Once complete, you'll see a download link for each modified PDF. Click the links to download your clean documents and share them with confidence.

Tool 2. PDF Document Metadata Removal using PDFfiller

While Sejda may be your go-to online PDF privacy solution, there are other ways to go about it! PDFfiller is an easy-to-use online platform designed to be your go-to for everything PDF-related. PDFfiller works like Sejda: it’s entirely browser-based, so you don’t have to worry about software downloads or installations. That means it’s accessible from almost any device connecting to the internet. Moreover, a built-in feature is designed to remove metadata from your PDFs. However, unlike the previous solutions that you can edit the infos pdfFiller only clear the PDF metadata. If you’re looking for an easy way to clean your documents and achieve maximum privacy online, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s look at the features that will transform you into an online information security champion!

  • Go to the PDFfiller website in your web browser. Click the large "Upload File" button or use the convenient drag-and-drop functionality to drag your PDFs directly onto the designated area.
  • Once your PDFs are uploaded, you'll see a thumbnail preview of each document. Locate the toolbar that appears above your PDF preview. Look for the option labeled "More" (usually represented by three dots) and click on it. From the dropdown menu, select "Remove Metadata."
  • A window will show asking if you want to proceed with removing metadata. Click "OK" to initiate the process. PDFfiller will work its magic, meticulously removing any embedded metadata from your PDFs. Once complete, you'll see a download link for each modified document. Click the links to download your clean PDFs and share them with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is removing metadata always necessary?

Removing metadata is only sometimes essential. The embedded information might be fine if you're sharing PDFs internally or with trusted parties. However, it becomes crucial when sharing sensitive documents like financial reports or legal contracts, where even seemingly harmless details like author names could pose a security risk.

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Can I completely remove all metadata?

In most cases, yes. However, some very specific tools used to create PDFs might embed metadata in a way that's difficult or even impossible to remove completely. If absolute certainty is required, consult the software documentation for the tool used to create the PDF.

ALT of your FAQ image

Are there any downsides to removing metadata?

While minimal, there can be downsides. For instance, removing metadata might make it difficult to track the origin or history of a PDF. Additionally, some archiving systems rely on metadata for document organization. Therefore, consider the intended use of the PDF before removing its embedded information.

ALT of your FAQ image


We've embarked on a journey to change PDF metadata. Now, you have the knowledge and tools to transform your PDFs from chatty companions to discreet fortresses. Whether you leverage the power of desktop software like Adobe Acrobat Pro and PDFelement or embrace the convenience of online tools like Sejda and pdFiller, you're empowered to remove unwanted information and ensure you share only what you intend. Remember, metadata removal is crucial for safeguarding privacy and information security. So, go forth and share your PDFs with confidence!

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